Red Fish Brand Marsh & Field Clothing Outfitters
  • Storm Swells Buckle

    During Late Summer and Early Fall, on South Carolina Barrier Islands "all eyes" turn to Local Weather Forecasters and the Atlantic Hurricane Season!!  The Atlantic Hurricane Season falls between June 1st and November 31st, peaking from late August thru October. As both named and unnamed storms track up the Eastern Seaboard ,wind direction and high tides produce larger than normal coastal ocean waves and swells. With this wind speed and tide force these swells break from many directions and much closer together than any other coastal season These months and swells are what East Coast surfers and "ocean watchers" live for !!  The Storm Swells buckles are lost Wax Cast in both Aged Solid Brass and Vintage Silver Bronze  The buckles fit a 1 3/8 wide strap   Straps available under Belt Straps